Monday, July 30, 2012

PEEPS on Patrol This week Krissy and I had the pleasjure of working with the PEEPS. It stands for Plantations Environmental Education Program for Sustainability and is comprised of a group of carefully selected Ithaca-area teens who intern at plantations in all of its various areas and participate in educational experiences. Initially we had them workking on identifying and eradicating the invasive weed Torilis japonica - japanese Hedge Parsley but once they finished that we moved on to collecting seed from Elymus hystrix- Bottlebrush Grass. You can see us harvesting the seeds below.
While we were there a pair of PHD students working on a native bee study were there netting bees and we got to learn a bit about the role of native pollinators. Here is the male half of the PHD team.

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