Friday, June 15, 2012

Here's a look at what's blooming in the beds by Judd Falls Rd. As this tends to be more of a prairie like bed some of the plants here are more commonly found further west. Coreopsis lancolata - Lance-leaved Coreopsis this showy yellow daisy-like plant serves both as a harbor for predatory and parsitic insects that help control pests, and as a nectary for many native bee species. Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Milkweed like all milkweeds this plant is important in the life cycle of monarch butterflies and several milkweed dependent beetles. It also serves as a nectary for many other pollinators. Tradescantia subaspera - Zig-zag Spiderwort like the Coreopsis above is of special interest to native bees as a food plant. Baptisia australis - Wild Indigo yields an indigo dye almost as good as the true indigo plant. It too is an important nectary for native bees, specifically honeybees.

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